Saturday, January 19, 2008

Christmas Morning

This was such a fun Christmas with Ethan. He's 2 and a half, so he is old enough to look forward to opening presents and some of the other things that make Christmas special. We had so much fun picking out a few presents for him. We bought him a mat that rolls out on the floor that is a big picture of a city which he can drive his cars on. We also got him a basketball hoop for his room. We try to stay away from huge toys, but we broke our own rule when we imagined how much fun Ethan would have with it. As you can tell from the picture, he was pretty happy about it.

What made us even happier, was how much he enjoyed playing with a nativity set my parents got for him last year. He carefully set it up and brought each of the figurines forward to see "baby Jesus in the manger." We read the scriptures with him on Christmas Day and helped him act out the Nativity story. He continued playing with it everyday until we packed it up with the Christmas stuff. I honestly believe that there are few greater joys in life than seeing your children learn the gospel. A few months ago, Ethan and I were playing and looked up at me and clearly said, "Jesus loves me." Surprised, I said "That's right, Ethan! Jesus loves you!" We have a few gospel related books for young children which we read to him often and I sometimes wonder how much of it sinks in. I guess more than I realize. He sometimes sings "I am a Child of God" and other Primary hymns to Sienna, and he can pray on his own. In one prayer, he asked Heavenly Father to bless his stuffed animal "snake". Okay, I realize I could go on and on about how wonderful I think Ethan is. Anyway, all of us had a great Christmas.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Okay, it looks like Tanner and Ethan had the same Christmas. Tanner got the same basketball hoop and if I am not mistaken the rug you got him looks like the same one I got from Ikea. :)