Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy Days Are Here Again

My mom and dad came for a short visit. Okay, it was two weeks, but any visit is my opinion is too short. My dad does all sorts of home projects that Jeff and I never get around to doing. My mom and dad love spending time with the kids doing activities, and when the kids are otherwise entertained, they are doing dishes and cleaning my neglected home. During this glorious time, I sleep in, take naps, go on real dates with Jeff and go shopping by myself! Did I mention sleeping?




Ethan is getting to the age where any pictures of him smiling normally is a rarity. However, these photos do capture his blossoming "entertainer" personality.


Karen Brothersen said...

HOW WONDERFUL JULIE! I am so happy that you were able to spend so much quality time with your parents. Not to mention you got to go shopping ALONE! I love those rare occasions. Love you! Miss you.

Kristy said...

Your parents are my favorite people! I love the pictures of the girls--you look stunning!

Tasha Horsley said...

WOW! Can your parents come visit me too! :)