Monday, April 28, 2008

Woah...April's gone.

Hey (this is Jeff)! What happened to April? It's been a month since our last post. I'll take the blame though -- I've been working some crazy hours (I know what you're thinking, and no, it had nothing to do with taxes -- I'm not that kind of accountant -- I audit financial statements), which means Julie had mommy duty day in day out with hardly a break. There were a few days in there where I left for work in the morning before anyone woke up, and didn't get back home until the kids were asleep. Not fun. Tonight I got home at around 8:30, which was in time to help Ethan get the wiggles out before going to bed.

He's growing up quickly! Since I missed the month of April, he sat down with me tonight before bed and basically read me a book from start to finish without actually knowing how to read. It's fun to hear him talk. And, Sienna! What a little doll -- she's crawling around so quickly now.

Julie is awesome too! I couldn't have married a better woman. I was getting busy-season hair -- that's what happens to my head when I don't have time to get it cut for 3 months (I also get busy season toenails). Ethan was getting busy-season hair too, so Julie gave us both a nice trimming recently, and we're a handsome daddy and son again.