Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mom Haircut

Tired of ponytails, headbands, children pulling on my hair, finding baby food in my hair, I lopped off my locks and got a mom haircut - just below my chin. Now let's just hope I don't wind up in "mom jeans."


Tasha Horsley said...

that is too cute julie! i have also been debating about my hair have given me inspiration! :)

Groshon said...

I love it!!

Stay away from the mom jeans though! They are just oh so bad!

Lisa said...

Love your new cut Julie! So cute!I've been thinking about cutting my hair too, I'm just scared.

Bethanne said...

You are gorgeous...what a babe!

Kristy said...

I'm still giggling about the "Mom jeans" comment, and the visual to go along with it! I do, however, LOVE your hair! It looks fabulous!

Emily said...

Oh, I think your hair is ADORABLE! But don't try the mom jeans...

Maria said...

You look too cute to call that a Mom haircut.

Christine said...

It looks great Julie! Where did you get it done?

Nancy said...

Love the hair cut. You look so cute. I need to chop all mine off.